Industry Blog

How to Master Multi-Step Processing in the Metals Industry

You’ve heard a lot about the cloud and its transformational capabilities. While the cloud won’t change your fundamental metals operations, it will dramatically change the amount of control and visibility you have particularly for multi-step processing.

Your employees constantly make decisions that impact your bottom line. Examples include salespeople providing quotes to customers and shop floor managers creating schedules. What if salespeople could have real-time access to inventory? What if a shop floor manager could schedule people and machines to reduce overtime and downtime? And machinists could produce more when scrap, sheers, and break weights are recorded automatically.

The Power of the Cloud for Multi-step Processing

With connected data through cloud-based ERP, your metals operation will have unified data to manage the resources needed to complete multi-step processing. By optimizing all the inputs – inventory, people, and machines – your profitability will soar.

Our eBook, New Rules of Metals Operations: How Cloud ERP Delivers Data-driven Insights and Masters Multi-step Processing, dives deeper into the advantages of the cloud, including:

  1. Make data-driven decisions

The cloud allows you to connect and centralize all data across your organization. This access and visibility to all current data drives better decision making. In addition, cloud-based ERP can serve as a bridge between your legacy and newer systems, giving new life to older applications while taking advantage of new cloud functionality such as real-time visibility and reporting.

  1. Share and unify data

The key to optimizing operations and maximizing profits is understanding exactly what is happening with all cost components including materials, labor, overhead, and outside processing. The cloud provides shared data across all functions so you can place materials orders with precision and optimize scheduling.

  1. Improve Accuracy

Many ERP systems can’t handle the complexities of tracking materials for the metals industry. RealSTEEL is designed specifically for your business and will automatically analyze inventory and multi-stage production requirements. Our cloud-based ERP system can help you improve forecasting and build productions schedules as orders are placed. It handles materials requirements and automatically routes jobs through production.

  1. Streamline scheduling and multi-step processing

Complex inventory requirements and machine/operator utilization make it challenging to keep production on track and meet delivery dates. Cloud-based ERP systems collect and analyze data to automate scheduling, ensuring that schedules are maintained and adjusted as needed based on any change orders or unplanned downtime.

  1. Coordinate materials planning with downstream processes

The best way to keep costs from eating away at your profits is to ensure that the right materials are available at the right time. Cloud-based ERP enables your organization to connect materials and processing data from sales through shipment. You can take control by placing materials orders and aligning with production scheduling, allowing you to minimize material costs while maximizing profits.

  1. Leverage data to improve performance

The cloud provides the ability to centralize all your data and apply powerful analytical tools. This makes it easier and quicker to identify problems and dig deeper into all production lines and departments. Cloud ERP also allows you to track results against multiple budgets, allowing you to manage cash flow more effectively.

Next Steps

Want to learn more about how to be the master of multi-step processing? Contact us today to learn more about how RealSTEEL can help.

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