Industry Blog

Optimize Warehouse Processes with Modern Technology

supply chain software
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Steel and metal manufacturers have complicated warehouse operations that can’t be managed efficiently with most enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions. Inventory control, labor, manufacturing processes and other day-to-day warehouse operations aren’t supported by many traditional business systems, leaving manufacturers with few options other than manual processes or inefficient, specialty software. Optimize processes with a warehouse management solution designed to address the specific needs of this industry.
The warehouse can be a busy place for many manufacturers, but busy doesn’t always mean profitable. Managing inventory and monitoring warehouse operations manually often leads to mistakes and poor productivity. Searching the warehouse for inventory needed for production takes time and relying on physical inventory counts is risky. The further managers get away from current, reliable data, the more likely procurement and warehouse teams will make costly mistakes.

Strengthen Inventory and Operations with RealSTEEL Warehouse Management

Improve the efficiency of warehouse operations and labor productivity by replacing manual processes with a flexible, integrated business management solution like RealSTEEL. This powerful solution offers greater control and insight over core business operations, including these warehouse management processes:

  1. Redesign inventory storage: Manufacturers often have fast and slow moving inventory, as well as items stored in large and smaller volumes. Understand inventory movement, then strategize storage to enable inventory to move faster throughout the facility.
  2. Plan bins: Racks, shelves and columns can impact inventory storage locations. Define the layout of the warehouse and set limitations or characteristics for each bin. You can create internal pick and put-away orders based on zone or bin ranking, without a source document.
  3. Support automation: RealSTEEL offers a Wireless Data Capture System that supports multiple workflows, which further streamlines common processes. Workflow automation not only saves time, but improves the consistency of these tasks.
  4. Reduce manual mistakes: Implementing best practices and procedures, along with workflow automation and digital inventory management can reduce many of the most common mistakes seen in the warehouse. By streamlining inbound and outbound processing and fulfillment processes, you can improve productivity, avoid common errors and increase customer satisfaction.

Complicated warehouse operations require stronger management systems. Gain control over inventory, labor and manufacturing operations with the support of RealSTEEL. Contact The Wolcott Group for more information about using RealSTEEL to streamline complicated processes, improve productivity and profitability, and boost customer satisfaction.

By The Wolcott Group, providers of RealSTEEL, a ‘real world’ solution for the steel and metals industry

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